The Rules Of Thumb to Draw Maximum Traffic through Social Media

social media marketing

Social Media platforms can be an amazing way to attract traffic for your blogs and websites, provided you know the right way to use it. Wondering what does that refer to? Here are some basic tips for you to get started.

social media marketing

#1: Enhance your social networking activities

These days, social networking has become an integral part of our lives.  You can create your own blog or website, or create your own face book fan pages, participate in a forum, or create your own circle. You can also draw positive traffic from twitter, google and shuffle them with other bookmarking sites. You can bring high traffic by using high PR Forums also.

#2: Get traffic from YouTube

You can load your own tutorial or promotional activities on YouTube and describe your blog/website over them. You can bring everlasting traffic by using SEO of YouTube. However, you have to remember one thing; try to broadcast your videos with accurate consideration like title tags which are very important for SEO. You have to remember that there is minimum 150 words you should add your blog link in your description. Tell your users to subscribe your YouTube channel for more YouTube views.

#3: Optimize your content:

The construction of a blog should be derived around composing it to attract maximum traffic. To attract readers and potential customers, pages on your blog can be optimized. If you organize by categorizing the content in your blog, then it will help readers to find out according to their need. These comprise subtitles,bullets and lists. If you give emphasis on your blogs SEO in such a way, you have likely to get more search engine traffic.

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#4: Advertise!

Advertisement has always been one of the best ways to generate more traffic for your blog. You can advertise in different ways. For example:

  • Try pre-advertising:Nowadays; pre advertising is a good way to make your blog popular. If you can do that, you get monetary benefits as well. Consider investing on it today and get a profit set up in twitter,face book and cherish enjoy its dividends fast. Involve those groups who are specialized in this topic which is being addressed on your blog. This is a very good way of free advertising. You can also think of paid advertisement, which can be a bit expensive.
  • Paid Digital Advertising: It can be a tad costly though. There are three ways of digital advertising. Like-
  1. Advertising on social media with face book.
  2. Banner advertising.
  3. Search engine advertising

#5: Keep your blog fresh

It is important to update your blog try and keep your content refreshing and interesting. It will require a re-vamp all the time. Engage with those websites and try to create your own blogging formula. Every popular blog need time & patience. Make sure that you keep the posting something engaging contents regularly (try to post once in two days, at least). And make sure that you do not post texts all the time. Instead, aim at striking the perfect balance between links, videos and images as well. In fact, you can also consider posts that have hardly anything to do with your product or business. Though it might not generate leads, but a blog which is full of promotional elements appear to be oh-so-drab.

Also Read:  6 tips to increase traffic through articles

#6: Join Different Social Networks

… And this means joining the not-so-famous social networks as well! You get the best from social media traffic by joining multiple social networks. Optimally, try one and try all to find out which one works best for you. Try LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Tumblr.  You might also want to find out if there is any particular social platform that directly deals with your niche (as in for authors).

#7: Respond to the Comment as quick as Possible:

If you want to engage more people to your blog or in social media, you must reply against a comment as quick as possible. Because, research says that after any blog comment or comment on tweeter profile expect response but not more than 60 seconds. If you respond timely, the impression rate will be increase and more people will be engage to your social media profile.

Best of luck!

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About the Author: Blogger Fox

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