You have started a company specializing in home improvement services in Bangalore before two years. The business has picked up and your team finds challenges in taking numerous calls. That is when one of your tech leaders asks you to design an app so that the customers can book a service from their mobile. You approve of the idea and soon the team is in search for an app developer.
So you search on the internet for an able app developer. The points mentioned below will give you the right guidance for hiring the best developer.
You can get many mobile app designing agencies all over the world, but surveys indicate that not many can deliver the expected results. You should spend some time before signing the dotted line.
It is not that you design the app and the work will be completed. You have to add new features and should be always on the point of up-gradation. So kindly ask these questions –
- Can you kindly give me information on the apps you have designed previously?
Words can clinch a deal, but you should remember that it is not always possible to implement them in action. This is where the real experience counts. The agency, if reliable, will be more than happy to show their portfolio.
If the concerned agency does not find a portfolio of good reviews, then you should cross over to another company. You can also judge their previous app by the reviews and ratings.
- Can I have information on your previous clients?
When you talk with a previous client, you can gain valuable information on the communication skills and the relationship of the agency. One factor which you have to always focus on, is if the agency caters to deadlines.
- Process and Lifecycle
You should understand the process followed in the development of the app. At a critical stage, the procedures they followed if problems arise. You can also ask the life cycle improvement method they follow – agile method or ITIL method.
Also check if the agency performs activities such as beta testing for the app. The reason, you should ensure the app has gone through the required quality check before it is delivered. Kindly ensure, the mobile agency has to pass through the process –
Analysis of your business
App Development
Quality testing
Successful launch
- Be Aware Of These Signs
If you get a document, that underlines all the specifications you need for the app. The development process is always subject to changes.
Always focus on the price of the project rather than on the quality Write For Us Entertainment Blogs
After getting the money, try to complete the project as fast as they can without doing the quality check.
- The Strength Of The App Development Team
The development is always subject to changes. But if you need a new feature suddenly, then the agency should have the available manpower to work on your project. You can check the information on their website – the number of projects they work, or the press releases.
- The Skills Of The Developers At The Agency
The mobile agency may have a good reputation, but take time to know the skills of the employees who are working on your project. Above all, have a timeline. Take time to talk to them about any previous apps that may be linked to your business. Then you can check their skills.
The best way is to ask for the concerned developer profiles –
- The email address of the developer
- A biography containing the professional details (work and employment history)
- Portfolio about previous experience
- Social media profiles such as Linkedin and Github
- List of awards
- Resume
7. Do You Follow Coding Standards?
Any mobile agency will make use of web application frameworks. If they do not make use of the standard system of coding, then it is a negative sign.
8. Submission To App Stores And Market Places
It is a challenging task to get the app accepted in an app store. If you have designed an app it should be at the market place.
The agency can however easily guide you to the submission process, as they would have got valuable inputs for previous clients.
After the submission, they have to monitor the performance of the app and take care of bugs.
- Maintenance Of The App
After the app is launched in the market place, please note only a part of the job is over. You will have to constantly check for –
- Fixing bugs
- Addition of new features, functionality
- Release updates
Kindly clarify with the agency in the initial stage about the support and maintenance program. You can fix the feature for an hour or a month. Ensure you know the details of
- Cost for every release
- Their procedures for handling bugs
- Their communication level after post-launch. You can have a chat with their previous clients.
10.Your Target Audience
It is mandatory that the agency or app developer understands your target audience to design the app properly. They have to understand the requirements of your target audience to design the app perfectly.
It is good if you can hire developers having clients related to your industry so that they know exactly the purpose of your customer.
In any case, sit down with the developer and talk to them about your customers, so they can understand that segment for UX purposes.
- Your Involvement
Your vision and communication is important, as that is your dream. You can get the best app developer, but he/she should also receive valuable inputs from your side. There will be modifications, arguments and finally the result should be outstanding. If the agency does not inform you in the initial stages, then it is a warning sign.
12. Ownership Of The Code
Your company is in the home services Bangalore sector, and you are in the process of releasing an app. It is mandatory, that any mobile agency should always know that the code belongs to the client.
If the company is not able to fulfill your requirements, then you can jump to another agency. However, the code is a must, as the developers from the other company can start work from the finishing stages.
The existing agency should inform you about any documents or files of the project so that you have a complete history of the development of your app.
This article was entirely written keeping the new entrepreneurs in mind, who have a vision and dream. Sadly, a few of them lose money and valuable time when designing the app. We want this article to be an eye-opener. Hope it fulfills the task.