Know What You Need to Be a Successful Blogger

Know What You Need to Be a Successful Blogger

If somebody asked me to give them one piece of advice about starting a blog, one golden nugget they could take away with them and nurture into something outstanding; it would be this – FOCUS on your first blog for at least six months before you start another one.

Know What You Need to Be a Successful Blogger

That’s it. Simple as.

I wouldn’t tell them that creating a successful blog takes hard work and determination. I wouldn’t tell them that only a few bloggers earn a living directly from their blogs. I wouldn’t tell them about all the failed blogs that lie dormant in blogger land.

That would probably put them off the idea.

The truth of the matter is that without showing a high level of commitment during those early days your blog will go nowhere. When somebody starts a new business they don’t have a book of clients waiting to hand over wads of money. They build a client base slowly, through hard work, networking and reputation.

Ask anyone who has started a business how hard the first six months where. Most of them will tell you it wasn’t an easy ride. Some will even tell you that they thought of giving up once or twice.

The first six months for a new business is a time for laying foundations. For setting the ground work for future development.

The same rules apply to blogging.

During those first few months a new blogger is likely to make a lot of mistakes. There is a lot to learn and making mistakes is inevitable. It’s natural. The important part of making mistakes is to learn from them Guest Blog Posting Services UK.

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But many bloggers don’t.

How often is a blog abandoned after a few weeks when there is no traffic and the easy money didn’t materialize? This is a very common occurrence in the blogosphere. And it is why FOCUS is so important.

If you allow your mind to wander and come up with other crack pot ideas for a blog, you will always be trapped in the three to six months cycle of creating a new blog and never allowing it to really get off the ground.

I should know. I was one those people. I’ll admit it.

I’d hear about something and I’d think “oh! What a great idea for a blog” and I’d be off looking for a suitable keyword rich domain name. I would take my eye off the current project and start on the new one.

Not anymore.

The main problem with blogging is that rewards don’t come instantly. Not like starting a new job where you get paid at the end of the month and your boss tells you how great you are. That doesn’t happen with a blog. The rewards might be many months away, and during those early days you can often be left wondering “what is the point?”.

Here are a few ideas to help you through the early days and to help you gain a readership:

  • In the very early days concentrate on content, not design
  • Optimize your posts for search engines
  • Use social bookmarking sites to promote your own content
  • Read blogs in your niche and make interesting comments
  • Read Online marketing blog to get updates on latest algorithm changes and new marketing strategies.
  • Contact blog owners to see if you can write a guest post
  • Submit articles to some of the major article directories
  • Get a Twitter account for your blog
  • Don’t spend all of your time in front of the computer screen
  • Don’t spend too much time studying your traffic stats
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Do you think that blogging has no career? If yes, so take a deep breath and think again. It is not the leisure time work or for fun. It also makes a profit for you and you should start blog writing if you think you have writing skills. The blog should be interactive and informative which will tempt the readers to read it till the end. It should be presentable and informative because everyone likes the attractive content work. These following factors will help you in writing your own professional blog.

Enchanting writing skills- It is foremost part of the blogging because writing with excitement takes you on the successful path in the blog world. Writing skill does not exactly say, write as a perfectionist rather writes as an individual. The thing is you need to be specific towards the topic. These qualities also help the reader to easily understand after reading your blog work.

Passionate toward blog work– If you write passionately, readers get engaged and are able to understand easily. Take blog work as your passion so it opens a gate of a successful life. A successful man is who take occupation as a passion.

Interest in reading– Reading of others’ articles and blogs give you inspiring ideas to improve your work. You may learn new things which you can further involve in your blog. Reading also helps in improving your writing skills.

Good communication skills- Yes, it is crucial for a blog writer to be well in communications. Everyone uploads their blogs on the internet and there is a possibility that anyone can comment on your writing, which should be answered so need communicating skills.

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Creative writing- That doesn’t mean decorates your work with annoying themes. It means it should be enough attracting so readers hold for a long time. It is an important part of presenting the article. The reader is always looking towards the enticing content. So, create it with one of the friendly creative skills.

Never make mistakes like– First of all never copy from others, because you should have a quality to modify the work and try to write specifically about the topic. Regularly check your article and reply to the readers.

So, you might have understood that blog writing is neither an easy job nor a tough one. Use these factors in your writing and see the magic which takes you to the gateway of the success.

Author bio: Hello I am William Bradley, very enthusiastic reader and researcher of changes that happening in online blogging, currently works at Essay writing service as chief content editor.

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